Sniffle Valve logo

beaver-builder-logo2I have been meaning to get some new videos up on the Sniffle Valve YouTube channel, but it seems that every time I am about to make one, the lads at Beaver Builder have come out with an update for their amazing plugin that includes new and exciting features that I want to demonstrate. Once their latest is out of the beta phase and released to the wild, the Sniffle Valve videos will follow shortly thereafter.

That doesn’t mean that Beaver Builder is the only item I want to show off, but it is one of the main ones. The other item that popped onto the WordPress plugin scene recently is the Genesis Dambuster plugin.

genesis-dambuster-plugin2This free plugin, available on the WordPress plugin repository, negates a couple of the videos that I have up already, notably, the Landing Page video. Instead of messing around with CSS and PHP, just install this amazingly simple plugin, use the default settings, and bam!, you have edge-to-edge rows and no header, navigation bar, footer widgets nor footer; just what is required for a traditional landing page.

So simple. So elegant. So light weight.

The only ‘downside’, if one can call it that, is that it only works with Genesis child themes. May just be the reason to head over to StudioPress and get the Genesis framework.

dynamik-banner2bThen over to Cobalt Apps to pick up your copy of Dynamik Website Builder. Both extremely worthwhile investments if one is serious about easily creating unique WordPress websites.

And a good reason to subscribe to the Sniffle Valve YouTube channel. Get notified when the new videos are up so that you can quickly get up to speed with these fantastic additions to your WordPress website.

sv-yyc-patioBy the way, this post is coming to you via Windows Live Writer on the Surface Pro 3 from my patio in beautiful, suburban Calgary, Alberta while enjoying the crisp, fall weather … plus the other item in the photo Smile

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  1. I discovered all the tools that you are talking about on your website: Beaver Builder Pro, Dynamik Website Builder and Genesis Dambuster. But I had a problem: I did not know how to use them together and I also a basic knowledge of HTML and a little idea of CSS. Your videos seems to be all interesting! So I will surely come back very often to your website and your YouTube channel.

    Thanks for the info about Uniform server and the distance teaching tool Mikogo.

    Is there an easy way to build our website on the local server and transfer it to a live server after?

    By the way, you are a good teacher!

    1. Hi Marcel,

      Glad that you enjoyed the videos and thanks for the compliment 🙂

      To build local and transfer to live, perhaps have a look at the Written Tutorial – WordPress – Moving – Local Server to Web Host here:

      I will be doing a video of this in the near future.


  2. Hey Lyle
    Thanks for your effort here 🙂
    Great vids you have in show case here and at YouTube

    Maybe you may consider to make a combo tut-vid with the completly new drag&drop builder:
    -> ElementorPRO – with it’s very well suited companion
    -> GeneratePress(PRO)


    1. Thanks Tom!
      You bet, more tutorials with Elementor Pro and GeneratePress / GP Premium are in the works 🙂

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