As of this date, Sniffle Valve is two years old! Wow!
In memory of this most auspicious occasion, I will repost what I did on that date, two years ago when Sniffle Valve was officially launched.
And on a very auspicious date, I might add.
Today, the 12th day of April, 2015, is the birthday of both my little brother and my one and only niece. I will forgo the mention of how many trips around the sun each have accomplished as of this date.
To be polite.
I will note however, that both have fewer ringers ’round the sun than I do.
However, that doesn’t mean that a photo cannot be provided. The two birthday kids a ‘few’ years ago at the Humboldt, Saskatchewan airport with the 1973 Piper Cherokee 180, CF-GGN.
I wonder what things will be like two years from now 🙂
I wonder if this is the same plane my husband, Howard Phillips, owned, same registration as ours, CF GGN, based in Burns Lake BC,? Just curious.
Hi Cecile,
It probably is the same one 🙂
The photo was taken in the summer of 1973 and CF-GGN was pretty much brand new … still had the new airplane smell.
I rented it a number of times that summer from a flying service (Fowler Aviation I think) in Lethbridge, AB.
A great airplane to fly 🙂