About Sniffle Valve

Sniffle Valve cap

What Sniffle Valve is all about

Although I have built many sites completely, this is not the purpose of Sniffle Valve. It’s purpose is to show those who want complete control over their own WordPress web site, including the content, how to do it themselves, by themselves, but are not completely comfortable getting started on their own.

Perhaps they have made an attempt and got stuck.

This is where I come in. I will show you how you can the get the most out of your WordPress website.

TRS-80 PC-1 Pocket Computer
First computer. The Radio Shack TRS-80 PC-1 Pocket Computer with printer.
Sniffle Valve photo

The person behind Sniffle Valve

Yep, this is me. Lyle Chamney, the person behind Sniffle Valve. I don’t know about you, but I always feel more comfortable dealing online when I can see with whom I am dealing. Makes it a tad more personal. 

A bit of background then.

I have been “doing this” since 1980. “This” being personal computers. 43 years as of July 2023. I know my way around. Mostly Windows PC of late but my first “real” computer was an Apple Macintosh 512, brand new store-bought in the fall of 1984.

Website building started for me 1995 with Microsoft FrontPage. After that came Dreamweaver and then on to the Joomla! Content Management System in 2007 and WordPress in 2010 with the release of version 3.0.

WordPress is where my focus is now.

Mac 512K
First real computer. The Apple Macintosh 512 with external drive.
picture of a sniffle valve
A real sniffle valve

What the heck is a Sniffle Valve?

It wasn’t long after having started my career in aviation back in 1970 that I heard the term ‘sniffle valve’ being bandied about in various hangar flying sessions.

I have always thought that it was a rather unique and cute name for what is basically a simple ball check valve.

As it turns out, the aircraft that I would later be in care and control of has four of them; two on each engine.

So when I was trying to come up with a rather unique and cute name for this website, sniffle valve came to mind. As the logo says, and what I thought as well, why not?

For a more in-depth explanation, check out this post from Matt’s RV-7 Project.

Current computer setup
Desktop, Mac mini, Surface Pro 3
Humboldt Flour Mills elevator
Wilf Chamney (right) and colleague

Color choice on the Sniffle Valve site

The choice of colours on the site is quite intentional.

The yellow is for mustard seed, which, for anyone who knows my background, is the very reason that I am here today.

My late father’s company, Humboldt Flour Mills, Co. Ltd., was, at it’s zenith, Canada’s largest exporter of mustard seed. 

He is seen here (on the right) with a grain broker colleague of his standing in front of a French’s Mustard rail car which has been loaded with Saskatchewan-grown mustard seed, soon to be on a hot dog near you.

The blue is, of course, for the sky, where I would much rather be at any given moment as it is where I have spent over 1,200 hours flying as either pilot-in-command (the majority of which was in this fine aircraft – C-FWZZ) or during training.

I have also been a licenced Aircraft Maintenance Engineer since 1976 and have worked on, and signed out as airworthy, everything from single engine piston-powered private aircraft to commercial jet aircraft while employed with Canada’s largest (at the time) regional air carrier.


Sniffle Valve and C-FWZZ
Me and C-FWZZ