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Finally, after updating all the pages and posts with the new set up, the blog is now ready for action. I out-smarted myself just a little bit with using Beaver Builder and Genesis Dambuster (GDB) for everything. It was all working just marvelously until the time came to set up the blog section.

Well, for one thing, there were no comments as GDB was stripping them out by default. Then came the author info; same thing. However, the main point of consternation was that by using Beaver Builder for the content, I could not post from a remote app such as this one, Windows Live Writer (WLW), as it will only post to posts, not pages.

sccc1Long story short, this post is coming to you via WLW from the ‘Main Frame’.

Meanwhile, after working all day at this, I am finally back with the DWB basics. At least I can now post via WLW on the SP3.

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