This quick video shows you how to set up a sticky header and / or menu bar, or nav bar with Dynamik Website Builder. It should work on other Genesis child themes, but I have not tested it yet.
It is a two part process, the first being to install and activate the free Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll plugin available on the WordPress Plugin Repository:
Use the instructions in the video to correctly set up this plugin.
Then add this code to Genesis > Dynamik Custom > Functions:
//* Open stick-header div add_action( 'genesis_before_header', 'dynamik_open_stick_header', 2 ); function dynamik_open_stick_header() { echo '<div>'; } //* Close stick-header div add_action( 'genesis_after_header', 'dynamik_close_stick_header', 12 ); function dynamik_close_stick_header() { echo '</div>'; }
Hi there!
Great vid! I have the exact same setup as you with Genesis.
Can you tell me what the code would be if I wanted to have nav bar sticky and header scroll? I have the Sticky Header plugin installed, but for me, .nav-primary is conflicting with vertical mobile toggle menu (hamburger drop down menu). The menu freezes when I use .nav-primary.
Hi Todd,
Can’t really say for sure what the code would be. As I mentioned in the video, I just got it from the DWB Forum but I an not a coder so I don’t know how or what one would have to change.