What is the difference between Dynamik Website Builder and Beaver Builder
This is a fairly common question that gets asked on the forums and elsewhere and it was asked again today in the comments of one…
Exciting things on the Beaver Builder horizon
According to their blog post there are some very exciting developments for the Beaver Builder plugin. The main one that I will be focusing upon in…
More videos on the way soon
I have been meaning to get some new videos up on the Sniffle Valve YouTube channel, but it seems that every time I am about…
This is Sniffle Valve – why not?
Finally, after updating all the pages and posts with the new set up, the blog is now ready for action. I out-smarted myself just a…
My first computer
35 years ago, this July, I bought my first computer. The Radio Shack TRS-80 PC-1 Pocket Computer. Don’t laugh. It had BASIC and I wrote…